Miriam Röstlinger Goldkuhl

Miriam is educated theatre pedagog and has worked with teaching and pedagogically in different settings, with children, youth and adults. Mostly she has been teaching theatre but she has also held workshop in visual art and in personal development using drama. Miriam have been extra interested in how to work creative and norm critical with gender roles in theatre and have created workshops for that.
Miriam can offer workshops in theatre, physical theatre, mime, clown, sensory performance, team building, norm critical and creative view and work.
Please get in contact if you are interested in a workshop and we can talk about your needs and I can create a workshop for your group.
Previous work for
Commedia Kicks (Dk)
Physical theatre for children
Seidles Sensorium (Dk)
Kulturskolan Stockholm (Swe)
Mime and physical theatre workshop
Assemble Theatre Collective (Dk)
Exploring senses in performing arts - workshop
Ung Teaterscen (Swe)
Theatre teacher
Teater Vølven (Dk)
Write a letter to your vulva workshop
Arena 305, Malmö (Swe)
Art workshop
Cirkusmuseet Hvidovre (Dk)
Guided tours
Marieborgs folkhögskola, Norrköping (Swe)
Gender roles and theatre workshops
Ånge Pride (Swe)
Art workshop
Ånge Teaterförening (Swe)
Gender roles and theatre workshop
Naturhistoriska riksmuseet, Stockholm (Swe)
Guided dramatized tours
Mångkulturellt center Fittja (Swe)
Art pedagog
Kulturama Stockholm (Swe)
Art teacher
Kulturskolan Linköping (Swe)
Theatre pedagog
Teater Pelikanen Norrköping (Swe)
Theatre pedagog
Linghemskolan, Linköping (Swe)
Theatre pedagog
NBV Linköping (Swe)
Theatre pedagog and director for amateurs
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.