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BFA Theatre - Conceptual Performing Arts
Lunds University, Malmö Theatre academy (Swe)
Worked with own artistic practice; performance making, site-specific, immersive theater, audio-walks, installations.​​


Visual Art
Edsviks konstskola, Stockholm (Swe)
1 year classical art school.

Acting - mime and physical theatre
The Commedia School, Copenhagen (Dk)
2 years. Acting training based on Lecoq & devising. Mime, clown, mask, storytelling, improvisation, movement, buffoon, comedy.


Theater pedagog
Marieborgs folkhögskola, Norrköping (Swe)
2 years. Directing, drama pedagogy, scenography,
theatre studies, leadership, theatre making.



Marieborgs folkhögskola, Norrköping (Swe)
1 year.  Stanislavskij based acting training.

Received art in residence and scholarships

2024 Nordiskt ljus Residens
Three weeks residency at Nordiska Folkhögskolan (Swe) together with Nora Fuchs.
2023 Babel - the art of Listening in TYA
Two international workshops led by Alex Byrne, in Lithuania and Belgium. Selected and send by Teatercentrum (Dk).
2022 Hedlandet residens (Swe)
One week residency together with Vilska Lindgren. Supported by Nordisk Kulturfond.
2021 Mentorship program 
One year with choreograph Hagar Malin Hellqvist Sellé
n as a performing art mentor. 
2020 BIRCA
One week residens at BIRCA (Dk) together with Teater Vølven. 

2017 Stallbackens vänner Art student scholarship (Swe)

Artistic work (selected)

Give Your Doll A Mullet Actor & creator
As a part of Assemble Theatre Collectiv’s performance I feel from Saxogade. At Ruben og Bobby, Copenhagen (Dk).
Copenhagen Contemporary Performer
Performer in the installation La Menesunda by Marta Minujín.
Alternativ Fashion Week CPH Stage design
Scenography at Kulturhuset indre by Copenhagen (Dk).
Brev till min Vulva Actor, stage design & co-creator
By Teater Vølven. Klap Festival, Esberg (Dk).
Voks skoV Actor
By Seidlers Sensorium. Egedale and Jord Festival (Dk). Director Marika Seidler.
Inbyggd skohylla Actor
By Absurdum Temporary Art and Samsa Musikteater at Bastionen Malmö (Swe). Director Lisa Mårtensson.
Traces we leave. Traces of us Artist & performer
Interaktiv performance. Nordic cultur club festival, Helsinki (Fin).
Traces we leave Artist & performer
As a part of My Site In Space by Assemble Theatre Collective and Copenhagen Plattform. Huset KBH (Dk).
Underneath, within, below Artist & performer
As a part of My Site In Space by Assemble Theatre Collective and Copenhagen Plattform. Huset KBH (Dk).
Out Of The Blue Artist
By Assemble Theatre Collective. Created ceremony concept for performance, Cph (Dk).
Alternativ Fashion Week CPH Stage design
Scenography at Kulturhuset indre by Copenhagen (Dk).
Fairywork Streetperformer
Performed at Living staue festival Lommel in Belgium.
Brev till min Vulva Actor, stage design and co-creator
By Teater Vølven. At Bådteatret and Gribskov gymnasium (Dk).
Alternativ Fashion Week CPH Stage design
Site-specific scenography and installation at Råhuset Copenhagen (Dk).
Clownen Ylle Clown & streetperformer
Interactive clown. For RFSL Sundsvall/Ånge Pride (Swe).
Fairywork Streetperformer
Around in Denmark.
Queer längtan Artist
Site-specific textile art installation outdoor in public space. Malmö (Swe)
The Boxes - group exhibition Artist
3 textile art installations in public space, part of world Pride. Malmö (Swe).
Voks skoV Actor
By Seidlers Sensorium. Munkeruphus (Dk). Director Marika Seidler.
Brev till min Vulva Actor, stage design and co-creator
By Teater Vølven. At Bergen Fringe Festival (No), Gotherburg Fringe festival (Swe) and Valby Kulturhus, CPH Stage (Dk).
Smärtrummet-Endom Performer, creator & stage design
Graduation performance. Malmö Theatre academy.
Brev till min Vulva Actor, stage design & co-creator
By Teater Vølven. Basement Cph, (Dk)
Clownen Ylle Clown & streetperformer
Interactive clown. For RFSL Sundsvall/Ånge Pride (Swe).
Fairywork Streetperformer
Around in Denmark.
Jord Performer, creator & stage design
Immersive performance. Malmö Theatre academy (Swe).
MUD Performer & creator
Audio visual performance. Malmö Theatre academy (Swe).
SPRÖDA DRÖMMAR Actor & co-creator
Immersive performance together with Siri Bengtén, at Malmö Theatre academy (Swe).
The Dress up Actor & co-creator
Music & theater performance together with accordionist Māra Peiseniece. Devising project. Makvärket festival (Dk)
Anthopia Performer in the exhibition
By Makropol. At Copenhagen Contemporary (Dk).
The Dress up Actor & co-creator
Music & theater performance together with accordionist Māra Peiseniece. Kungliga Musikhögskolan Stockholm (Swe), Marieborgs folkhögskola (Swe).
A meeting between two Performer & co-creator
Dance performance together with Ingibjörg Skúladottír. Devising project. At the Queerfestival, Warehouse9 Copenhagen (Dk).
Kanel och Kanin Actor
Teater Pelikanen. Tour in Sweden. Director Ika Nord.
Ta dig i kragen Actor & co-playwrite
Together with Malin Kärrbrink, by Teater Driva. At Arbetets museum, Motala and Mjölby psykiatri (Swe).
Friluftsmuseet Gamla Linköping Actor
Street theatre in the outdoor museum. Director Håkan Bäck.
Djuren i Hackebackeskogen Actor
At friluftsteatern Gamla Linköping (Swe). Director Håkan Bäck.
Våga Se! Actor
By Teater Driva. at Hjo Folkhögskola (Swe). Director Dag Norgård,

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